Copycat (1995)

Last Watch Date - January 3, 2025
Total Times Watched - Twice
While I have seen this movie before, it was in the mid-late 90s and my memory of it was fuzzy. I started remembering bits of it as it went on but I couldn't remember specific plot points.
First thing, this movie has a lot of big actors in it. Sigourney Weaver, Holly Hunter, Dermot Mulroney, Harry Connick Jr, and Will Patton, plus some others you'll at least know to see even if you don't know them by name. There were some good bits to this movie, but overall I felt conflicted. There are times where the dialogue comes off as so odd. I'm not sure if that's acting choice, director's choice, or poor script. Sigourney has some really egregiously bad delivery. She's normally really good so I assume it's not her. Holly Hunter and Dermot Mulroney's characters felt like a copy paste out of Generic Cop Movie™. I didn't care for them. Will Patton would go from 0 to 60 WAY too fast.
I'm not going to spoil much (if anything) by saying this, but the "agorophbia" scenes are pretty funny. It does that little askew camera trick like it's 1960s Batman. RIDDLE ME THIS, BATMAN! I was trying to think of a stupid riddle here but my senses are really poor right now. Deal with it.
This movie clocks in at over 2 hours, which I think is probably about 40 minutes too long. There are a lot of scenes that really don't give much of anything to push things along, and there's too many extended "stalking" type of scenes that don't build tension like I assume they had hoped. Edit that down a bit, bud.
The computer scenes are magnificent and made me laugh, so if nothing else, check those out.
I'm conflicted, but I'm going to say no. It's not good enough to really warrant a "go see it!" though it's also not bad enough to say "avoid."