Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled (2002)
Last Watch Date - November 15, 2023
Total Times Watched - Once
I read that this movie was filmed back-to-back with the 3rd. It feels very similar, so that makes sense. The plot in this one also revolves around "love" but in a very different way. Who decided to make romance Wishmaster movies?
The djinn is played by the same dude as last time. No, not Sean Connery's son, I mean the dude in the djinn costume. He's not good. There's nothing imposing or threatening about him. He gets even LESS imposing when you hear him talking about "human love" with the other djinnis who appear in a flame wall thing. If they can appear in that flame wall to talk to him, why can't they fully come through? It makes no sense.
So while the other ones were about people tricking the djinn with their last wish in some way, this one had the protagonist have no idea about djinn or prophecies or anything like that. It was just a regular chick who accidentally released him and then had to deal with his sexual advances. She definitely bangs a djinn by the way. Is that something she tells people in the future or something she hides forever? I'm not sure if I'd want to know my girlfriend had sex with a djinn.
Acting-wise this movie is better than 3. The man-djinn they had in this movie was far better than Connery and he brought some of the creepiness of Divoff without the voice and face. The low point of this was Ahura Mazda's human form being a total bitch. He was absurdly weak and served no real point. Why even have that bit in here? It's stupid.
I think this one probably felt the most "realistic" from the protagonist's point of view (until the end when he was revealed as a djinn) because there was no mythology or curses or prophecies or any other nonsense. Just a dude she knew for a while who was continuing to try to bang her. Plus her mopey crippled boyfriend.
Wishmaster movies are known for the goofy "twisted wishes" but this one doesn't really have that as much. There are a few bystander wishes that are granted, but none of them go anywhere or have anything fun happen to them.
Uh, no. Plex has this marked as "Fantasy" and "Romance" which is funny. It definitely fits that.