The Terminator (1984)

Last Watch Date - March 6, 2025
Total Times Watched - Many
The Terminator was always on when I was a kid. We had it on a VHS tape that we recorded from a movie rental, so it was at least the "good" version. It was on TV quite a bit too at least up until the early 2000s (the last time I had cable). This, along with T2, were staples of sci-fi rewatchables throughout the 90s and 00s. The last time I saw this was probably in 2002 or 2003, so it was time for a rewatch.
What I found funniest about this movie was that I really wasn't getting into it. Maybe it's because I knew what would happen, but I didn't find it that engaging. It was a bit clunky and had some hilariously goofy stop motion in it like Jason and the Argonauts. I think one of the bigger problems is that the plot is really slim. There's not much meat on the bone for this, it's largely a chase/escape movie with a couple romance scenes thrown in.
As far as acting goes, Arnold Schwarzenegger is .. well, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Linda Hamilton is ok but a bit whiny in this one. Michael Biehn is... ok? You do get to see a young Bill Paxton very briefly. There's nothing special about the acting.
But it's an action/sci-fi movie, so does it really need a plot or acting?! Not really. The action largely holds up and it's pretty relentless from the start. For being as old as it is, it was still fun to watch for the most part. I don't really have much else to say, everyone knows this movie already.
Sure. It's a classic and although I prefer T2, it's still worth checking out.