Moving (1988)
Last Watch Date - December 8, 2023
Total Times Watched - Many times
Moving is a classic as far as I'M CONCERNED! I've seen it so many times, starting when I was a kid and we got it on VHS. Bootlegged of course, we weren't some sort of RICHERS.
The funny thing about moving is that it's relatable in all sorts of goofy ways that, individually, are anywhere from minor inconveniences to major stumbling blocks. But then when you put them together, whew boy, it causes a man to break down and go Rambo on folks! It's all played off humorously of course, but it's a real thing with the constant wearing down of normal life nonsense. Suburban life is a strain in its own way.
The cast in this is good. Even the young twin actors are good. You also have Stacey Dash who is one of the most beautiful (albeit odd) people on the planet. Richard Pryor is not generally known as an actor, but he's good enough in this. I buy him as the milquetoast dad who flips someone off with the wrong finger. Plus you have Randy Quaid playing an utter degenerate which he's really good at (and possibly isn't actually acting).
Pacing is pretty good overall. There are some lulls and musical choices that make it feel slightly disjointed at times, but it's a late 80s movie. You get what you get, my friend. Let me talk about the music more because it's so .. 80s. There's an early dream sequence where Richard Pryor is doing martial arts and beating up Randy Quaid. You'd think they'd have some intense music, but for some reason it's .. soothing? Totally bizarre choice.
It's a funny look at the soul-crushing nature of being a normal working man who is going through tough times. Of course I recommend it!